Dwayne interviews Olga

This week, Dwayne interviewed me! (And in case you missed it, last week I interviewed him.)

I share about my final writing projects of the year, including the difficulties of writing sustainably. I follow this writer, Ayandastood, on her Substack Paradigm Shifts, and she published a short essay this week about creatives who are struggling to return to their work. I keep grounding myself in it:

In the creative process, pauses, breaks, and hiatuses are inevitable. in a culture that glorifies productivity and vilifies rest, it’s natural to internalize a sense of shame, guilt, and/or disappointment. but hibernation is our birthright as beings of nature. The capitalist order needs us to see ourselves as machines separate from nature so that we’re easier to exploit. Coerced into identifying with machine-like qualities — productivity, efficiency, speed, linearity, control, efficiency — we are made to participate in our own dehumanization.

Dwayne also asked me about my first book Birth of A Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church, space, and I talked about my writing project focused on telling Bronx, Dominican stories. There is also a bonus question Dwayne asked me—you will have to watch to see what it is!

Thank you to everyone who watched and subscribed. Thank you to Stephanie Espinoza, a huge friend and supporter of our work even before our RR days. If you aren’t doing so already, follow us on all the socials: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

In solidarity,



Listen: Dwayne on the “What in God’s Name” podcast


Olga interviews Dwayne